Why decluttering is the answer to getting unstuck

Shift your mindset, attract abundance, and find stability ...especially now!


Oftentimes, when we talk about decluttering, our minds immediately go to our physical space. Rightly so, as there are huge benefits to clearing clutter from your space to positively impact your mental health, emotional well-being, and the perception you choose to have on the world.

Especially in our current climate, situations feel uncertain due to the external events, and anxiety can easily arise internally. However, we tend to spiral into fear because we are focusing on the future, the things we cannot control and everything that is going wrong.

I want to challenge you to start shifting your perspective towards what you can control.

The main law of abundance states that what you focus on you in turn attract. 

If you want to bring more wealth, love, success, and peace into your life, you need to focus on all the wealth, love, success, and peace that already exists in your life. To create more abundance, you need to focus on the abundance you already have. 

The contrary is therefore true as well; if you focus on everything that you don’t have and everything that is “bad,” you will be attracting more of those things into your life. This is called the “lack mentality.”

The law of attraction and decluttering as a tool

You might be thinking, “Olivia, I hear you, but what can I do to get out of this negative spiraling mindset and how exactly does this tie into decluttering?”

Great questions, thank you for asking!

When our physical space is cluttered, we feel overwhelmed in our minds.

The reverse is also true; when your mind is cluttered, mentally or emotionally, the clutter tends to manifest itself in your physical space.

If your physical space is cluttered, that is what you are focusing on. Your focus is on the disorganization, the overwhelm you feel, and the frustration from time spent searching for items. The clutter may even lead you to showing up late and being unproductive.

This overwhelm can happen subconsciously as well. Take a moment and think about stuff you have overflowing in your closet, or the unorganized box shoved under the bed, or the kitchen cabinet where all the random items go. We tend to believe these things are out of sight and therefore out of mind, but when we really think about it, these are actually the things always taking up space in the back of our minds. 

Recap: When your physical space or mind are cluttered, that is where your focus goes, even subconsciously, and in turn you attract more disorganization, anxiety and overwhelm.

Why decluttering is a tool for getting you unstuck

Right now, I’m going to take a wild guess and assume most of our minds are cluttered mentally and emotionally with everything that is going on in the world, the bombardment of the news, and fears about the future.

Bottom line, we’re dealing with an overflow of mental and emotional clutter.

Because our physical space affects our mental state, and because most of us are either forced into quarantine or self-isolating, the first place to start creating a mindset shift is in your home.

The consequence of decluttering your physical space will leave you feeling as though a weight has been lifted off your shoulders. You finally feel like you have room to breathe in your space and your mind can rest because it’s not constantly thinking about the next thing that needs to get done.

These post-decluttering feelings are what you would feel in a normal environment; with heightened current stress, the results of decluttering your space will have an intensified effect on you. 

Recap: When you declutter your physical space, you in turn release mental and emotional clutter. Creating a physical environment of peace and calm, enables you to evoke those emotions internally. 


How to get out of the spiraling mindset: clear the clutter & attract abundance

When you declutter your physical environment, you invite intentionality into your life. Let’s break down how to do that. 

Step 1: Identify your biggest clutter pain

Regardless of whether or not you are staying home or normal life has commenced, you always want to start decluttering with the area that causes you the most mental overwhelm. I call this your biggest clutter pain point.

If you have multiple clutter pain points, choose the one that will make the most significant impact on your life once it has been decluttered. For example, you may know that both your closet and your garage are pain points for you. However, you use your closet every single morning and having a streamlined system would actually allow you to feel more calm in the morning and throughout the rest of your day. You will therefore declutter your closet first because it will provide you with immediate positive impact.

Task:  Answer the following questions. What is my biggest clutter pain point? What is an area that I have been ignoring? What area of my house is always in the back of my head as something I need to “deal” with? What is something causing me a lot of stress and how can that stress be linked to an area of my physical space?

Step 2: Create your vision 

In order to declutter properly, we first need to have a vision of what we want our space to look like. Sit down for 10 minutes and actually get excited about what the end result will look like.

This step is crucial in motivating you to follow through with decluttering because you have an emotional connection to the end result. You are so excited about the pleasure this new decluttered space will bring that you are willing to push through any pain that comes up during decluttering.

Some questions to ask yourself:

  • What is the set up? How has this made my life easier?
  • How does the space feel?
  • How do I feel using this space? How do I use this space?
  • Who is in this space with me?
  • What other areas of my life are positively affected by this decluttered space?

Task: Journal out your vision by answering the questions above.

Step 3: Redefine productivity

Time is one of the biggest blockages that prevents people from starting or completing the decluttering journey. In daily life, most people feel like they do not have enough time. Maybe you are reading this post a few months or weeks after it was published and life has gone back to its busy standard.

However, if you are reading this during the time when everyone is staying inside, then you know that we suddenly have an abundance of time. You might feel as though you need to use this time wisely and be overly-productive.

Remove the pressure from yourself and redefine productivity. It is better to have a smaller to do list where we allow space to complete tasks intentionally.

Approach decluttering with simplicity; show up consistently and release the pressure of needing to do everything at once. This message is valid regardless of whether or not you are currently living within the confines of your home. 

Task: Give yourself grace. Instead of feeling like you need to be overly productive during this current abundance of time, give yourself small tasks that you know you can finish. Break the decluttering into manageable blocks. Do a little bit each day. Do it thoughtfully and intentionally.

Decluttering as a positive tool when you feel stir-crazy

Take advantage of your time at home to slow down, reconnect with yourself and your loved ones, and declutter and design your space in a way that brings your mental and emotional ease.

Not only will you feel better because you have created space that evokes feelings of calmness and love during this uncertain time, but you’ve also been physically active resulting in visual progress.

 Main Takeaways:

  • Decluttering is an incredibly powerful tool that goes beyond the environment of your physical space.
  • The law of attraction to attract abundance: “what you focus on, you attract.”
  • Identify your biggest clutter pain point and use it as your starting point for decluttering.
  • In order to properly declutter, you need to first have a vision for what you want your space to look like: create your vision!
  • Redefine productivity by making your to-do list shorter and tasks smaller. If you have a big goal, break it down and bring in balance.
  • You have an abundance of time, it’s just a matter of how you prioritize and use the time.

Decluttering & stepping into the next phase of life

The results of clutter free space ripple out into all other areas of your life. When the external world is chaotic, you can use a calming decluttered space to ground yourself and find peace.

If the external world is stable, having an intentionally designed home can bring you clarity surrounding what you want, because your space is no longer distracting your attention. You have freedom and control over your time because the mental clutter fog has lifted and you no longer waste your time searching or cleaning.

Wherever you are in the world, I am here to support you. We are all in this together. Remember you there are still things you can control, and bringing organization, intentionality, and peace into your space is incredibly powerful in dealing with and releasing anxiety and overwhelm.

Share, like, and comment if you enjoyed “Why Decluttering is the Answer to Getting Unstuck”. Reach out to hello@declutteredintentions.com or @declutteredintentions on Instagram if you have any questions or comments!  

Meet the author 

   Olivia Heine, Declutter & Intentional Life Coach

   Olivia is a declutter and intentional life coach. She specialises in helping people who feel stuck use decluttering as a tool to create habits of intention and attract more abundance. Her passion for decluttering was born out of anxiety ridden situations, but she used it as a way to gain clarity, release what wasn’t serving her, and start living in abundance. She approaches decluttering as a form of self-love and self-care, because in order to gain clarity and create healthy habits you first need to deepen your connection with yourself.
Website: declutteredintentions.com
  Instagram: @declutteredintentions 
Facebook: Decluttered Intentions

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